
BullVPN increase the price



increase the price

Increase pricing for Usage Packages and Connection

Starting from January 4, 2024, BullVPN will be implementing changes to its service packages, including adjustments to pricing and an increase in the number of connections for both the web interface and the application. The details of the package adjustments and connection limit increases are as follows

Package Old Price (THB) New Price (THB)
 1 month 179 249
 3 months 499 649
 6 months 949 1,149
 1 year 1,650 1,990
 2 years 2,900 3,490


Package Old Price (USD) New Price (USD)
 1 month 5.59 7.79
 3 months 15.59 20.49
 6 months 29.69 36.00
 1 year 51.59  62.00
 2 years 97.00 116.00







 1 month 2 4
 3 months 2 4
 6 months 2 4
 1 year 2 4
 2 years 2 4


Additional Details on Price Increase

For existing members who have subscribed to a usage package before January 4, 2017, your current package will receive an upgrade in the number of connections by an additional 2 connections.
- Customers who originally had 2 connections will be upgraded to 4 connections.
- Customers who originally had 4 connections will be automatically upgraded to 6 connections.
This is to provide maximum benefits to all our customers. For membership renewals in the next billing cycle, your package price will be adjusted to the new price immediately.

Terms and Conditions of Service

In the case of purchasing a 1 week usage package, the price and the number of connections will remain unchanged. There will be no adjustments.

- As long as the day is not over, you can buy without deduction! We count the days accurately with no deductions


increase-the-priceBullVPN will make your VPN connection anonymous. It's like you're invisible and most importantly, can't see past access data. So your personal data will be protected and secured.